Цена, руб
от до
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=8 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Разрешение экрана
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=9 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Цифровой тюнер DVB-T2
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=396 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Поддержка функций Smart TV
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=10 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Поддержка 3D
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=11 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Индекс улучшения изображения
    Select * from catalog_itemdef where pid=13 order by rel asc, pos asc, value+0 asc, value asc, id asc

Мы ответим на Ваши вопросы
Select count(id) as n from catalog where catalog.cost>=0 and catalog.cat>0 and ( exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.cat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and ( catalog.subcat=0 or exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.subcat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and ( catalog.subsubcat=0 or exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.subsubcat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and catalog.cat=219 and catalog.subcat=220 and catalog.subsubcat=221 and ( brand=31 ) limit 1

select * from catalog where catalog.cost>=0 and catalog.cat>0 and ( exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.cat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and ( catalog.subcat=0 or exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.subcat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and ( catalog.subsubcat=0 or exists(select * from catalog_tree where catalog_tree.id=catalog.subsubcat and catalog_tree.sh=0 limit 1 ) ) and catalog.cat=219 and catalog.subcat=220 and catalog.subsubcat=221 and ( brand=31 ) order by (select if(st1+st2+st3+st4+st5>0,1,0) as n from catalog_params where catalog_params.idt=catalog.id limit 1) desc, cost asc limit 260,20

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